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Japanische Verkaufscharts: Minecraft Legends ist bester Neueinsteiger und Spitzenreiter

Die aktuellen japanischen Verkaufscharts der Woche vom 17. bis zum 23. April 2023 liegen vor. Minecraft Legends kann sich mit nur 13.490 verkauften Einheiten die Spitze der Rankings erobern. Andere Neuerscheinungen wie Cuphead, das in Japan physisch mit Amano-Artwork erschienen ist, verkauften sich demzufolge noch schwächer.

  1. [NSW] Minecraft Legends (Bandai Namco, 04/18/23) – 13.490 (New)
  2. [NSW] Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe (Nintendo, 02/24/23) – 7.658 (392.645)
  3. [NSW] Pokémon Karmesin & Purpur (TPC, 11/18/22) – 7.527 (4.998.901)
  4. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo, 04/28/17) – 7.416 (5.250.971)
  5. [NSW] Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection (Capcom, 04/14/23) – 6.342 (58.717)
  6. [NSW] Splatoon 3 (Nintendo, 09/09/22) – 6.039 (3.991.533)
  7. [NSW] Minecraft (Microsoft, 06/21/18) – 5.838 (3.112.005)
  8. [NSW] Cuphead (Superdeluxe Games, 04/20/23) – 4.085 (New)
  9. [PS4] Resident Evil 4 (Capcom, 03/24/23) – 3.860 (124.496)
  10. [NSW] Nintendo Switch Sports (Nintendo, 04/29/22) – 3.789 (1.060.179)
  11. [NSW] Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo, 12/07/18) – 3.745 (5.169.086)
  12. [NSW] Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 Special Price (SEGA, 11/17/22) – 2.875 (55.536)
  13. [NSW] AKIBA’S TRIP: Undead & Undressed DC (Acquire, 04/20/23) – 2.862 (New)
  14. [NSW] Mario Party Superstars (Nintendo, 10/29/21) – 2.741 (1.214.095)
  15. [NSW] Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo, 03/03/17) – 2.582 (2.163.849)
  16. [PS5] Resident Evil 4 (Capcom, 03/24/23) – 2.460 (123.680)
  17. [NSW] Ring Fit Adventure (Nintendo, 10/18/19) – 2.153 (3.377.826)
  18. [NSW] Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Nintendo, 03/20/20) – 2.050 (7.457.842)
  19. [NSW] Momotaro Dentetsu (Konami, 11/19/20) – 1.875 (2.867.701)
  20. [NSW] 51 Worldwide Games (Nintendo, 06/05/20) – 1.752 (1.111.595)
  21. [NSW] Arcana of Paradise: The Tower (Shueisha Games, 04/20/23) – 1.698 (New)
  22. [NSW] ARK: Survival Evolved (Spike Chunsoft, 02/24/23) – 1.660 (41.504)
  23. [PS4] AKIBA’S TRIP: Undead & Undressed DC (Acquire, 04/20/23) – 1.593 (New)
  24. [PS5] Hogwarts Legacy (Warner Bros. Games), 02/10/23) – 1.546 (168.126)
  25. [NSW] Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythm Festival (Bamco, 09/22/22) – 1.430 (170.128)
  26. [NSW] Kirby und das vergessene Land (Nintendo, 03/25/22) – 1.398 (1.018.030)
  27. [PS5] Minecraft Legends (Bandai Namco, 04/20/23) – 1.391 (New)
  28. [PS4] Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection (04/14/23) – 1.378 (9.249)
  29. [NSW] Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly (04/20/23) – 1.369 (New)
  30. [NSW] Dokapon Kingdom: Connect (Compile Heart, 04/13/23) – 1.364 (6.775)

Die Hardware-Charts:

Eldenring Rectangle
  1. Switch OLED – 39.763 (4.254.463)
  2. PlayStation 5 – 33.572 (2.899.698)
  3. PS5 Digital – 8.183 (471.335)
  4. Switch – 7.674 (19.277.706)
  5. Switch Lite – 4.368 (5.281.338)
  6. PlayStation 4 – 789 (7.866.970)
  7. Xbox Series X – 376 (184.959)
  8. New 2DS XL (inkl. 2DS) – 137 (1.191.421)
  9. Xbox Series S – 112 (251.538)

via Gematsu, Bildmaterial: Minecraft Legends, Mojang Studios, Xbox Game Studios

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