Japan News PS3

Erste Screenshots und Artworks zu Drakengard 3

Square Enix hat die offizielle Website zu Drakengard 3 online gestellt, das erst in dieser Woche enthüllt wurde. Dragon-On Dragon 3, so der Name in Japan, wird von Access Games (Deadly Premonition) entwickelt. Auf der Website finden wir erste Screenshots sowie unter anderem eine erste Übersicht zur Story. Gematsu hat sie übersetzt:

In the distant past, the dark ages swept the world with wars and tyranny, and the Utautai goddesses appeared before its suffering men. With the ability to manipulate magic through song, the goddesses subdued the world’s feudal lords and peace was brought to a rough earth. The goddesses were revered as Utahime (songstress), and were entrusted to govern the world.

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The Utautai known as One has a strong will to bring peace and stability to the world. She is the person who will unite the goddesses and stand on top of the world. But one day, her older sister Zero appears before her with a dragon. Zero, too, is an Utautai, and the strongest of their kind. Why did Zero appear before One? Why does she fight alongside a dragon? What exactly are the Utautai? Dark clouds hang over the world once more.