Bildmaterial: Ring Fit Adventure , Nintendo
Auch in Japan erklimmt Ring Fit Adventure die Spitze der Verkaufscharts. In der Woche vom 14. bis zum 20. Oktober 2019 konnte sich das neue Fitness-Experiment von Nintendo über 68.000 Mal verkaufen. Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town, ein Remake der Spiele Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town und Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town, landet mit 66.000 verkauften Einheiten knapp dahinter! In den Hardware-Charts zeigt sich alles beim Alten. Nintendo Switch landet nahezu unverändert vor PlayStation 4.
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var x = window.matchMedia("(max-width: 600px)")
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// Attach listener function on state changes
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01./00. [NSW] Ring Fit Adventure (Nintendo) {2019.10.18} (¥7.980) – 68.497 / NEW
02./00. [NSW] Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town (Marvelous) (¥5.800) – 66.193 / NEW
03./02. [NSW] Dragon Quest XI S (Square Enix) {2019.09.27} (¥7.980) – 15.744 / 401.907 (-38%)
04./01. [NSW] Disney Tsum Tsum Festival (Bamco) {2019.10.10} (¥6.100) – 11.824 / 42.174 (-61%)
05./08. [NSW] Minecraft (Microsoft) {2018.06.21} (¥3.600) – 9.020 / 970.816 (+23%)
06./07. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo) {2017.04.28} (¥5.980) – 8.305 / 2.496.564 (+8%)
07./09. [NSW] Super Mario Maker 2 (Nintendo) {2019.06.28} (¥5.980) – 7.964 / 669.445 (+11%)
08./06. [PS4] Monster Hunter: World – Iceborne (Capcom) (¥6.990) – 7.468 / 378.736 (-20%)
09./10. [NSW] Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo) {2018.12.07} (¥7.200) – 7.312 / 3.302.948 (+9%)
10./00. [NSW] The Witcher 3 – Complete Edition (Spike Chunsoft) (¥6.480) – 7.218 / NEW
11./05. [NSW] Zelda: Link’s Awakening (Nintendo) {2019.09.20} (¥5.980) – 6.709 / 219.627 (-28%)
12./12. [NSW] Fishing Spirits: Switch Version (Bamco) {2019.07.25} (¥5.700) – 5.931 / 198.751 (+4%)
13./03. [PS4] Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Breakpoint (Ubisoft) (¥8.400) – 5.537 / 72.934 (-56%)
14./00. [NSW] Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hacker’s Memory (Bamco) – 4.536 / NEW
15./17. [NSW] Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo) {2017.03.03} (¥6.980) – 3.942 / 1.425.636 (+3%)
16./11. [PS4] Code Vein (Bamco) {2019.09.26} (¥8.200) – 3.852 / 83.637 (-36%)
17./16. [NSW] Super Mario Party (Nintendo) {2018.10.05} (¥5.980) – 3.661 / 1.131.995 (-9%)
18./20. [NSW] Splatoon 2 (Nintendo) {2017.07.21} (¥5.980) – 3.424 / 3.175.168 (+12%)
19./15. [PS4] FIFA 20 (Electronic Arts) {2019.09.27} (¥7.727) – 3.329 / 60.725 (-21%)
20./24. [NSW] Pokémon: Let’s Go! (Pokémon Co.) (¥5.980) – 3.214 / 1.648.891 (+35%)
Die Hardware-Charts:
NSW – 54.067 (56.680)
PS4 – 7.362 (7.849)
3DS – 1.110 (1.041)
XB1 – 142 (78)
PSV – 27 (26)
via ResetEra
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