Mit dem Beginn des neuen Monats erwarten euch ebenfalls neue Inhalte in Monster Hunter Generations. Dieses Mal gibt es wieder einige Kostüme bzw. schöne Rüstungsteile für eure Felyne. Eure tierischen Begleiter dürfen sich unter anderem auf ein Okami- und Toon-Link-Kostüm freuen. Außerdem gibt es Samus Anzug für die Jäger.
Folgende kostenlose Inhalte könnt ihr ab sofort herunterladen:

Normale Quests:
Quest: (HIGH) Okami: Most Wanted
Objective: Hunt a Hyper Malfestio
Rewards: (Prowler) F Tsumugari, F Okami Set
Quest: (HIGH) Yowamushi Pedal: Princess
Objective: Hunt 3 Rathians
Rewards: (Palico) F Modousuji Bike, F Sohoku Set.
Quest: (HIGH) Metroid: Special Mission
Objective: Hunt a Hyper Yian Garuga
Rewards: (Light Bowgun) Arm Cannon, (Hunter armor) Varia Suit, Zero Suit.
Quest: (HIGH) CoroCoro: Rolling Bowlers
Objective: Hunt 2 Volvidons and an Uragaan
Rewards: (Sword and Shield) Levindicator
Quest: (HIGH) Felyne Village: The Tourney
Objective: Hunt a Yian Kut-Ku, a Rathalos and a Tigrex
Rewards: (Palico) F Sunsnug Set
Quest: (HIGH) Fan Club: Great All Stars
Objective: Hunt an Iodrome, a Velocidrome, a Gendrome and a Great Maccao
Rewards: (Long Sword) Fan Club Bamboo Rod, (Dual Blades) Fan Club Fans, (Hunting Horn) Megaphone, (Torso Armor) X Astalos Jacket, X Gammoth Jacket, X Mizutsune, X Dino Jacket
Quest: (LOW) A Season for Lava
Objective: Hunt 2 Uragaan before time expires or deliver a Paw Pass ticket
Quest: (HIGH) Making the Cut
Objective: (Prowler) Sever Rathian’s tail
Quest: (HIGH) A Hero’s Return
Objective: Hunt a Bulldrome
Rewards: (Palico) F Wind Waker, F Link Set
Quest: (HIGH) Animal Crossing: Picnic Day
Objective: Obtain 3,000 Wycademy Points
Rewards: (Palico) F Isabelle Set, F Resetti Set
Quest: (LOW) The Uniqlo Avant-garde
Objective: Slay a total of 20 Vespoids and Bnahabras
Rewards: (Palico) F Monqlo Set
Quest: (HIGH) CoroCoro: Big Bad Bugs
Objective: (Prowler) Slay 12 Konchus
Rewards: (Palico) F Gramdpaw Set
- Objective: Slay a Nargacuga
- Quest: Event: Slay a Rathalos
- Objective: Slay a Rathalos
- Quest: Event: Slay a Yian Kut-Ku
- Objective: (Prowler) Slay a Yian Kut-Ku
- 1x Guild Card Pose
- 8x Guild Card Backgrounds
- 1x Pet Outfit: Summer Resort
Besondere Kameraden:
- Monqlo
- Danger
- Link
- Tom Nook
- Samus
- Nekomichi
- Meowniac
- 99x Honey
- 30x Nitroshroom
- 30x Energy Drink
- 10x Max Potion
- 30x Lifepowder
- 5x Health Flute
- 5x Demon Flute
- 5x Armor Flute
- 20x Hunter’s Drink
- 20x Barrel Bomb L+
via Capcom