Vor kurzem erst zeigte uns Atlus den neuen Trailer zu Persona 5. Director und Producer Katsura Hashino verfasste nun eine Mitteilung an die Fans im offiziellen Blog der Serie. Er erzählt über das Großstadt-Setting von Persona 5, welches den Gegensatz zum vierten Teil darstellt. Zudem bedankt er sich bei seinen Fans für all die Unterstützung und Geduld.
Hashino entschuldigt sich für die Wartezeit, ist sich jedoch sicher, dass Persona 5 den Fans ans Herz wachsen wird. Er ist sich der hohen Erwartungen bewusst, betont jedoch an dieser Stelle nochmal, dass er bereits für Persona 3 und Persona 4 verantwortlich war. Er bestätigt die Rückkehr des Character Designers Shigenori Soejima und Shoji Meguro, welcher für die Musik verantwortlich ist. Außerdem spricht er von seinen anderen Projekten und dem Werdegang der Persona-Reihe.

Nachfolgend eine englische Übersetzung der gesamten Mitteilung:
Hello, everyone. This is the Persona Team’s Hashino.
While it was sudden, during the conference that was held by SCE earlier today, they showed a trailer for the Persona series’ latest main numbered title, Persona 5. The setting is reversed from the previous title, as the title will depict the lives of youths living in a setting of a big city.
I apologize for only being able to show so little, but it would make me happy to know that you all have been able to get a glimpse of the game’s atmosphere.
Persona 5 was announced last year, and in addition to the release for PlayStation 3, we’re currently developing a PlayStation 4 version to release simultaneously in 2015. Furthermore, it’s very regretful that we’ll keep you guys waiting (I’m sorry ; ;), but I believe we’ll have a great game that will remain in your hearts.
While this may seem presumptuous to mention in the midst of all the high expectations, I am in charge of the direction of the game, following Persona 3 and Persona 4. Also returning is character designer [Shigenori Soejima] who worked on the previous title, and [Shoji Meguro] in charge of music, and together with trusted and reliable staff members, we’re pushing forward and working hard.
Personally speaking, after directing Catherine, I was supposed to prepare for making titles on HD consoles… but that’s a story from a very long time ago. Since then, we’ve worked together with the team staff on developing various titles, and each one has exceeded my expectations.
Not only in terms of games, but they’ve also reached TV anime series, stage plays, live concerts, and even a theatrical anime film. Honestly, the only thing I’ve planned and produced outside of video games is Persona Stalker Club that is currently going on over at Nico Nico Douga.
In addition to the folks at Aniplex who’ve produced our anime, we are very fortunate to have so many projects and support, and I’m truly grateful. I believe that it is a result from all the support from the fans. Thank you very much.
Again, I’d like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the Atlus fans who’ve been supporting us since the past. As you may know, the current series saw a change in production staff back in Persona 3, from visuals, music, to a new view of the world.
In those days, there was a great deal of uncertainty, and even with all the pros and cons, we were blessed with many fans who’ve continued enjoying and supporting us, since the early days to the latest titles. On behalf of the development staff, I’d like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
I hope that we’ll have something that will bring you all plenty of joy, and I also hope you all look forward to its completion. Thank you for your continued support!
Persona 5 Director & Producer
Katsura Hashino
Persona 5 erscheint 2015 in Japan für Playstation 3 und Playstation 4. Ihr wollt mehr über Persona 5 erfahren? Dann schaut doch mal im Artikel-Archiv vorbei!
via Siliconera