Japan News

Eine Nachricht von Katsura Hashino an alle Persona-Fans

Die Persona-Serie hat sich in den letzten Jahren ziemlich entwickelt und auch hierzulande freuen sich immer mehr Fans auf Persona-Spiele. Auch Persona Director und Producer Katsura Hashino zeigt sich beeindruckt vom Erfolg und hat sich mit einem neuen Blogeintrag an die Fangemeinde gewandt.

Vor zehn Jahren habe man mit Persona 3 angefangen und seitdem habe sich viel getan. Ohne die Fans wäre man nie soweit gekommen, so Hashino. Gleichzeitig entschuldigt sich Hashino für die derzeitigen Umstände und sagt, dass man im nächsten Jahr den 25. Geburtstag feiern würde und dann auch etwas ankündigen wolle. Zudem spricht er von mehreren unangekündigten Titeln.

Fantasian HPU

Nachfolgend eine englischsprachige Übersetzung:

Hello, this is Hashino from the Persona Team,

With the live music event [Persona Music Fes] finally opening at Nippon Budokan, I’d like to thank all the fans who came out to support our project on behalf of the developers.

Before we realized, the series had become a popular topic. From television anime to theatrical plays and now large stage musical events. I truly feel that we’ve been blessed. Looking back on development, it was 2004 when we finished the Digital Devil Saga and Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, and the same team set out to start work on Persona 3. It’s already been almost 10 years! That we’ve been able to come this far is thanks to all of your encouragement. Thank you, everyone.

I’m sorry for the recent circumstances that may have caused you all concern. As next year is the 25th anniversary of the Atlus brand, there were a few things we wanted to announce, but we need you to wait a little longer. All of the unannounced titles we’re still wrestling with are currently under “earnest development.” We’re just trying to figure out how to further better them. While we’ve been spending our busy days full of challenges, we’ll do our best to work heartily and not break concentration

Recently, it appears the value of games have become more diverse, but with your love of video games, our creative minds and accumulated know-how, and as long as the anticipation is kept alive, I believe the future of gaming will be magnificent, encouraging, and full of fun. As part of a creator, I would be happy if we were able to contribute toward that value. And to all of you, if our games are one part of your “happiness,” we couldn’t be happier.

Atlus Persona Team
Director and Producer
Katsura Hashino

via gematsu